Continuing Education
Each deacon in the Diocese of Toledo is required to attend a total of 24 hours of Continuing Education (CE) every two years. The current cycle is for 2024-2025, so by the end of 2025, a total of at least 24 hours must be reported for each deacon to maintain Good Standing for 2026. These hours can occur from either or both years and in programs from 1-24 hours apiece, as long as a total of 24 hours are earned (e.g., conferences, workshops, classes, etc.). Following is a list of upcoming events sponsored by the Diocese of Toledo that result in earned CE hours for deacons.
During COVID (2020 and 2021), Spring Continuing Education sessions scheduled for April were cancelled. In 2022 and 2023, registration numbers indicated that there were not enough deacons available to attend, so both Spring sessions were cancelled. As a result, there are no plans to continue offering Spring CE events. A 6-hour workshop will be offered every fall (usually October or early-November) and the Permanent Deacon Convocation (12 hours) every odd-numbered year. A deacon who attends both Fall sessions and the Convocation will meet his 24-hour minimum for Continuing Education hours in the two-year cycle. Anyone unable to attend one or more of those events has many other options, such as the annual 7-hour Diocesan Pastoral Conference in September, attendance at conferences, pilgrimages, and online and face-to-face courses and workshops.
Franciscan University Continuing Formation Opportunity
The Catechetical Institute at Franciscan currently offers 62 online courses that deacons can take for “Ongoing Diaconal Formation,” organized into tracks of interest, from Pro-Life Outreach to RCIA and Adult Formation. Each of these courses takes a participant an average of 2-4 hours to complete, so any deacon who successfully completes a workshop earns 3 hours of Continuing Formation credit, which can be used toward the 24-hour minimum requirement for the 2024-2025 cycle.
We have entered into an agreement with Franciscan that, while these courses are technically “free” to take, we recognize that when a deacon takes classes for Continuing Formation credit, there is a cost to Franciscan that, out of fairness, we should be sharing. Therefore, a fee of $100 for the year is to be paid by any deacon wishing to take and earn credit for 1 or more 3-hour workshops between October 1, 2024, and September 30, 2025. So, here are the three scenarios for you:
If you would like to take 1 or more online workshops through Franciscan University between October 1, 2024, and September 30, 2025, and earn 3 hours of Continuing Formation credit for each workshop you complete, we would ask you to send a check made out to “Diocese of Toledo” directly to Dcn. Daniel Brahier at 1933 Spielbusch Avenue, Toledo OH 43604 by October 1. We will collect the checks and write one “master check” to Franciscan with a list of “members” for the year. Then in 12-month period, you can take as many of the 62 workshops as you have time and interest to take. Your parish’s money that is set aside for your education can be used for this purpose – just be sure the mailing to me includes your name and the purpose for the check. When you take classes, they are automatically accounted for online, so there will be no need for you to submit the hours through our portal because I will already have that record.
If you would like to take workshops online on an “audit” basis – for your own information but not to earn credit toward Continuing Formation, you are welcome to take the classes as he describes in the meeting video. There is no cost to you unless you choose to earn credit through our office for participating.
You can elect not to take any of these courses through Franciscan at all, and that’s okay too. We just wanted to offer this unique opportunity for those who are interested in participating.
A link to an online presentation made by the Director of the CI at Franciscan on September 5, 2024, is presented below. When you click on it, you will need to copy-and-paste the password below to access the video. In the meeting, Dr. Keimig explains in detail how to get into the system and directs you to contact them with questions (the diocese won’t be able to answer technical questions – just collecting the money, keeping track of which deacons are members for the year, and viewing the chart to see who has taken which courses). Also linked below is the PDF handout he used at the meeting for you to download and look at. Note specifically page 8 that lists the Diaconal Formation tracks and specific courses we can take.
Passcode: @g8dY!v?
Handout: Click HERE to download
It is our hope that many will take advantage of this new opportunity, as the question frequently arises about what classes are available online and how to sign up for and get credit for them. For $100 a year, you can take all the workshops you want!
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Topic: “A Day of Charity”
Presenters: Deacon Mike Oles (St. John Neumann, Lancaster PA) and Deacon Ed Irelan (Diocese of Toledo)
This day will examine the role of charity in the life of a Permanent Deacon. Nationally known for his program and related book “Help the Homeless Off the Streets One Person at a Time” to address the problem of homelessness, Deacon Mike will share experiences and insights on how deacons can help in the fight against poverty. Deacon Ed will share examples of programs currently available in the Diocese of Toledo, including volunteer opportunities.
Time/Location: 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (lunch included) at St. Wendelin Parish in Fostoria
Credit: 6 Continuing Education Hours
Registration: Click HERE to register. Registration deadline is Monday, October 7.
Friday-Saturday, June 27-28, 2025
Deacon Convocation
Presenter: Most Reverend Erik Pohlmeier, Bishop of Saint Augustine, Florida
Description TBD
Time/Location: Friday evening through Saturday evening, Saint Michael’s Findlay
Credit: 12 Continuing Education Hours
Registration: Will be available late-March 2025
Upcoming Continuing Education Opportunities
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